Yes, you can apply for scholarships, but some scholarships are only for returning students. Here is the website that MSU has set up.Scholarship applications should usually be completed six months to one year before the academic year they will be used. Accepting Aid, Accepting Scholarships, Conditions of Award, Receiving Aid, Renewing Financial Aid, Each Year Calculators, Forms and FAQs, Consumer Information Go to High School Counselor MiSSG Portal. The MiSSG High School Counselor Portal is your way to access data about the students at your school. Complete the full application and follow all directions or requirements. Please upload to your scholarship application a copy of your college acceptance letter from the first-choice college you plan to attend. A completed online Scholarship Acceptance Form is required to receive payment. Demonstrate that you have lived in a rental home within the Michigan City corporate city limits for your four years in high school.