After an interview, HR gave me a salary structure, but there is 15 days above, why didn't he send me the offer letter? Basically you're expected to accept an offer and join the work without having any written proof of appointment and confirmed agreement on your payout.An offer letter is a formal document sent to a candidate offering them a job at a company. It includes basic information about the position. Over two weeks later and 3 days into training, HR tells me they "accidentally" offered me the role with a salary and it would need to be changed to hourly. No. Employment Offer Letter Instructions. Learn how to write a salary verification letter and review a template, examples and tips to help you get started on writing your own. Offer letters must be prepared to preserve at-will employment status unless the employer consciously decides otherwise. See Preserving At-Will Status. This appointment is effective on _____ at an annual (12 month) salary rate of ______.