Print the appropriate form below or contact your designated Human Resources leave coordinator or local HR Office to initiate paperwork. Employers must provide each employee in Minnesota with one hour of ESST for every 30 hours worked, up to at least 48 hours a year.Return completed certifications to the employee to provide to his or her employer. There are five DOL optional-use FMLA certification forms. Minnesota's Paid Leave Law will provide eligible employees with partial wage replacement for up to 20 weeks of leave during a 52week period. The FMLA lets you take up to 12 work weeks, or 3 months, of unpaid, job-protected leave in a 12-month period for the following family and medical reasons. Minnesota has long required that an employer provide written notice of basic terms of employment to newly hired employees. I have been successfully self-employed for 25 years, but I once worked for a "clock-watcher" like you. The offer letter can also be used to articulate any conditions to the job offer. Apply for a Disability Parking Certificate.