Minnesota has long required that an employer provide written notice of basic terms of employment to newly hired employees. Ask your HR for a signed copy of the offer letter package which will show title, location, pay and type (salaried, hours and if hours what guaranteed hours are)ABC): I am pleased to accept your job offer as (position title) at (Company XYZ). This is to confirm our offer and your acceptance of the position of TITLE within DEPT (classification JOB CODE – OFFICIAL TITLE). You will also receive an email with instructions to view the offer on your My Job Notifications page and accept the offer online. Ive had to wait three weeks for a tentative job offer, but also have gotten them the same day as the interview. Most companies will comply with these requirements in the offer letter provided to the employee. It can also make it easier for you to draft up an official acceptance letter in response. Salary negotiations are time sensitive. City of East Grand Forks, Minnesota.