To request approval of an entity name or a trade name for an entity or individual, an applicant must send an email to the Insurance Licensing Unit at Name. The letter must include a brief description of the nature of the business and a copy of the business document you are filing with the Department of State.To obtain a Certificate of Approval an application will need to be filed online with FDNY Business. Fill Out the Date of the Letter: Clearly state the date of the application approval letter. 3. Initial applications for new programs seeking implementation for the 2025-26 school year must be submitted no later than October 1, 2024. 1 – Submit two copies of the original executed corporate or organizational document, prior to filing with the Department of State. 31 Chambers Street, Room 505. That letter is not an approval only a benefit determination letter that says what her benefits will be if she's approved. If you are certified to the Appellate Division, First Department, upload your completed application, in a PDF, on the online portal. Fill in the ovals with a pen with blue or black ink.