Here you'll find a detailed explanation of each requirement of the application, including teacher recommendations, test scores, and school reports. Get step-by-step tips on filling out your college application.I was delighted to hear I got accepted and started calling my parents because Harvard was my family's ideal school. They were super happy. Harvard College Admissions Office 617-495-1551 The Dean of Admissions at Harvard writes a lengthy and bizarre letter to Mr. Wayne Sheu urging him to attend Harvard over Stanford. Both Harvard and UNC employ a highly selective ad missions process to make their decisions. Figuring the coming weekend (March 2-3) will be the latest that likely letters will be sent out? I'm a North American candidate who wasn't heard from Harvard one way or the other yet. Check out our list of 10 new Harvard application essays from students who made it in, and hear from expert college consultants about what made these work.