Offer letters typically spell out the new hire's position, who they will report to, their start date, when and how much they will be paid. Learn what to include in a job offer letter and use our ready made template.Here, you'll find guidance on constructing and tailoring an employment offer letter template to align with your specific requirements. Simply complete the Employment Offer Letter form below and click View Results to see your completed contract. A job offer letter usually contains a date, the address of the recipient, one or two paragraphs telling the recipient that they have been accepted for the job. Everything in terms of compensation should always be spelled out in the offer letter, including salary, vacation, equity, vesting schedule, benefits, etc. Need help drafting a job offer letter? Need help drafting a job offer letter? An offer letter is a written contract that confirms the terms of employment. It's a document that lays out what your job will be and how much you'll be paid.