Enter the date of the Offer Letter. Then enter the name and address of the potential employee who is being offered the position.(LPA LETTERHEAD). Date. Name. Company. Address. Applicant's Printed Name – this is where the buyer of the vehicle prints their legal name. The name on the application should make the name on the assignment. Download a proof of residency letter template for family members, notarized or non-notarized, tailored for legal use. If you live in Ohio and want to change your legal name, you may need to get a court order from the Probate Court where you live. For E-1 applicants: A copy of the three most recent pay stubs indicating: hours worked; rate of pay; employment address; taxes being withheld. General tips for filling out the Ohio Supreme Court's standard forms: 1). Application for Change of Name of Adult (Ohio Supreme Court Form 21.0).