Laboratory services that can identify illegal drugs sold in our neighborhoods and the DNA of murderers and rapists. I am writing to confirm my acceptance of your employment offer on April 20 and to tell you how delighted I am to be joining XYZ Corporation in Chicago.Check out 25 forensic science and investigation scholarship opportunities in 2025, including information on amounts and eligibility. The Forensic Science and Anthropology Field School is an intensive, three to four-week course taking place during Maymester. The request should include a cover letter, a letter of request from the Forensic Department Head at their college, a copy of their transcript, and a resume. This hands-on experience really made Jayme stand out from the crowd! Major Core Curriculum. Evidence against criminal defendants. 51 But the reported opinions do not offer in any way a complete sample of federal trial court dispositions of. Used in cases where a duplicate offender sample matches the same forensic record in a single.