My signature below indicates my acceptance of this offer and its terms, and my authorization to receive my pay as outlined above. I am writing to confirm my acceptance of your employment offer on April 20 and to tell you how delighted I am to be joining XYZ Corporation in Chicago.College Acceptance Letter Template - Free download as Word Doc (. Each applicant will receive either one offer or zero offers during the initial response phase. Prior years applicants could receive up to 5 offers. An employee who accepts a job, resigns from the former employer, and then has the new job offer withdrawn, may have a cause of action against the new employer. The process that a Police Officer Candidate must complete before they can become a Philadelphia Police Officer involves multiple steps. Overview. All PennDOT Driver License Centers and the Riverfront Office Center Customer Counter accept debit and credit cards. Why did I get less money in a federal payment (for example, my tax refund) than I expected? One Monthly Payment Form will be filled out per household.