A counter offer letter is a physical letter or email candidates send to an employer when they want to negotiate the terms of a job offer given to them. Learn what a counter offer letter is, common responses to one and which elements to include in your response to candidates.State your counteroffer: In the body of the letter, clearly state the company's offer and your counteroffer and why you think it is justified. Learn how to write a professional job offer letter acceptance mail reply with joining date with an easy format and practical samples. Your company may counter with a big increase, but would more money rectify your other reasons for leaving. Struggling to write a counter offer letter? The City of Riverside Police Department is looking for EXPERIENCED Community Services Officer(s) to join our team! We are now accepting applications. The Hunterdon Art Museum is housed in a stunning, 19th century stone mill, complete with a terrace with sculptures and sweeping river views. The defendant's attorney or insurance company will typically respond with a counter-offer.