As the buyer, what documentation can I ask for? You'll need to sign a residential purchase agreement, make an offer, possibly put down a deposit, conduct inspections and close the sale.Once the seller accepts the offer and the terms of the contract are negotiated, the parties will sign the contract making it legally binding and enforceable. You will have a binding contract if the seller, upon receiving the written offer, signs an acceptance just as it stands, unconditionally. Focus on three things: State your intentions, show that you have the financial means to make the purchase and make a personal appeal to the seller. The offeror shall personally sign the sealed offer. While the Department's offer form is to be used, we will accept a real estate purchase contract. Sellers and seller's agents rarely use purchase agreements other than to accept a buyer's offer. In the dynamic world of real estate transactions, situations can change rapidly. Go to Not Registered, sign up, complete Realtor Information and create a password then submit.