Post Officeâ„¢. Share. A) Five Points (Excellent) b) Four Points (Very Good) c) Three Points (Good) d) Two Points (Fair) e) One Point (Poor).Civilian (WOFT) Enlistment Program is available to civilians (qualified Nonprior Service (NPS)), Prior Service (PS), and Glossary NPS. Human Resources Forms: 401(a) Retirement Election Form (Employer-paid), 403(b) Salary Reduction Agreement Form, 457(b) Deferred Compensation Plan Form. You will need forms for the various permits that are required. Keep in mind, filling out these worksheets and forms is NOT equivalent to applying for a permit. The main TSA security screening checkpoint is located on level two of the terminal at Salt Lake City International Airport. READ: Welcome to Multivariate Calculus! This syllabus has a lot of information. Amtrak operates out of a structure at the intermodal transportation center located near the historic Gateway District.