OF THE POSITION: Briefly restate your understanding of the salary, assignment (position), starting date and work location. A sample letter offering a job contingent upon the results of a background check or other criteria.We've compiled a definitive guide, made up of all of the key, important questions to ask, in order to cover an all-encompassing range of integral bases. If you'd also like, you can send a job acceptance letter, formally accepting the position, thanking your new employer for the opportunity to join their team. The resources below can assist in securing the candidate's acceptance of the offer. Writing an employment offer letter isn't easy; you must create a compelling agreement that favors both the candidate and your company. You will serve in a full-time capacity Senior Vice President, Engineering and Operations working from the Company's headquarters in San Diego, California. Clearly address the start date for the candidate as well as the orientation date in the job offer letter. 1Enter the details of the job offer, such as the company name, job title, and start date. Also there is one thing to look out for when you receive an acceptance letter.