"I'm very sorry but something has just come up that prevents me from taking the position with your company that you offered me. Rejection letters aren't easy for any of us.All applications for postponements MUST BE MADE PRIOR TO YOUR DATE OF SERVICE. This blog post will teach you how to turn down a job offer with 15 examples and templates that will make declining a job offer an ease. Learn how to write a letter for declining a job offer that you have already accepted and use our template and example as a guide. Visit the Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) page for guides, videos, and other resources to help you fill out your CCA application. I'm going to show you how you can write a concise but professional job offer refusal letter or email. If your income (based on your family size) is less than or equal to the amounts in the charts below, you may be eligible for SNAP benefits. Use the present tense of verbs for present jobs and the past tense for prior jobs. 7. Keep abbreviations at a minimum.