Even when you receive an offer, you should continue to complete any other interviews you may already have scheduled. We offer stable career options with training and tuition reimbursement available to get you to the next level in your career.An internship with Travis County provides an opportunity to train with experienced professionals to gain knowledge in the public sector. We're looking for an enthusiastic intern to join our Visual Merchandising team based in our corporate office in New York City! To create an internship offer letter, include key details, next steps, legal terms, and close with a signature section. The Internship Program is only offered in the summer and has a duration of approximately 10-12 weeks. Interns will not perform independent casework on evidence. Most companies give you up to 72 hours to decide. While you do this, you can try and expedite the interview process for the other opportunity. A Texas entity, terminating, converting or merging, must file its final tax report and pay any amount due in the year it plans to terminate, convert or merge.