Go back to the companies you were waiting to hear from and inform them you are no longer interested in the position as you have accepted another offer. Click on the job title, and then Apply, to complete the application.You can use Remove if you want to delete an application without completing it. This video goes over how to complete Form W-4 if you have 2 jobs or if you are married and your spouse works as well. Learn about acceptance emails, view some examples of these emails, and discover how to accept a job offer via email in a professional and To create an applicant account, go to Career Pages website and click on Sign In. Under the Sign In button, click Don't have an account? 3 strategies to make sure the next startup you join is a winner ☝️ Understand the financials. Many startups will fail in the next few years. This video goes over how to fill out a 2021 Form W-4 if you are single and the basics behind Form W-4. Knowing how to accept a job offer is key.