Once your EV Form has been approved and processed, you will receive an Acceptance Letter for the term(s) you are entering. Deadline to apply: November 15​​ Early Decision I is for those who know Wake Forest is their first choice and are ready to commit.Some early decision applicants have received acceptance letters (the lucky black envelope). The Class of '28 page is your one-stop destination for all the information you need to experience Wake Forest and apply for admission. There are over 4,000 colleges and universities in the US. Most probably just send form letters, and few might send more personalized letters. Here's some guidelines to help you make an informed, positive decision between multiple college admissions offers as well as how to accept and reject them. There are over 4,000 colleges and universities in the US. Most probably just send form letters, and few might send more personalized letters. These can include sending an email to an admissions representative or filling out a form online. Applicant pools will be processed in the spring to fill any vacant seats. Key Application Dates and Link.