We have identified the following overpayment and are in good faith voluntarily refunding all monies collected in error. ITEM A. BASIS OF CLAIM Explain in detail the nature of the overpayment.In order to process your refund, you must provide proof of all applicable payments resulting in the credit balance now showing on your account. NOTE: Tax buyers applying for a refund must provide the original validated receipt and letter of deletion from the County Clerk's Office. If you would like to receive your overpayment as a refund, complete Lines 37 and 38. In this article, we'll show you how to write a refund request letter template that not only grabs attention but also persuades companies to act in your favor. When you identify a Medicare overpayment, use the Overpayment Refund Formto submit the voluntary refund. The documents must show that you paid the taxes for the Tax Year and Installment when the overpayment occurred. Taxes are due in the year after they are passed. It's important that you also include a completed refund form.