You can find frequently requested County records here at the County's website in the online Document Center. In this article, we'll show you how to write a refund request letter template that not only grabs attention but also persuades companies to act in your favor.Download and complete one form per permit for each job site. The form is in PDF format, can be filled out electronically and saved. After you complete the form, please allow up to 5 business days for the Food and Fund Drive Coordinator to process your request. You can use the provided free refund demand letter template or this sample letter to write your own letter demanding a return. The letter must be returned within one week of receipt. â–« The head coach will be given a list of attendance for all student athletes on that team. To claim your property call the Property Unit at (510) 620-6652. In order to most effectively serve you, please fill out the following form as completely as possible.