Do not return any items until receipt of your Return Material Authorization (RMA) number. I am writing this letter to request a full refund for the clothes I ordered from your store.Please print this form, fill it out and send it to us when returning merchandise to be repaired or returned. Write an effective refund request letter. If you hand-write your letter, please write as neatly as possible with an ink pen. Include your return address on your letter as well as on your envelope. The Tax Code provides for certain instances in which a taxpayer may receive a property tax refund, and often interest on the refund amount. Image showing a captcha that must be filled out to submit the current form. BakerRipley's Utility Assistance Program supports Neighbors in Harris, Brazoria and Galveston Counties with payment of their utility bills. It also specifies that the refund timeline starts after airlines receive the complete refund request.