You do not need to respond to this letter. If you have an overpayment, it will be refunded in the method you requested.If you would like to receive your overpayment as a refund, complete Lines 37 and 38. Is there some waiver form I fill out? Do I just type out my own letter to appeal the overpayment with the reasons they mentioned? The Department will attempt to recover overpayments from providers, or parents and other relatives, as appropriate, through demand letters, referrals. When you identify a Medicare overpayment, use the Overpayment Refund Formto submit the voluntary refund. Create an Overpayment Work Item - Process Steps: Scroll to the Work Item Details section of the page. Select the correct Source from the drop-down list. The documents must show that you paid the taxes for the Tax Year and Installment when the overpayment occurred.