1. Ensure that you are eligible for a refund. We have identified the following overpayment and are in good faith voluntarily refunding all monies collected in error.If you have any questions regarding the filing of a "Claim for Refund," please call (213) 744-9724. Return all signed refund claims to: Office of Finance. No refund shall be paid unless the claimant or his or her guardian, executor, or administrator has submitted a written claim to the Treasurer and Tax Collector. A claim for refund is a request for reimbursement of amounts previously paid. Generally, if you have paid your balance in full you will file a formal claim. Fill out the request for a refund letter addressed to the Orange County Superior Court on your company's letterhead. In Benefit Overpayment Services, you can make a payment, view past payments, and set up an installment agreement to make monthly payments. Effortlessly address refund requests with our expert templates.