Fill out the Business Tax Refund Request form when you need to get money back from the City for an overpayment. To file a Request for Refund, please complete the following (see reverse for directions):. 1.Provide owner and property information. In this article, we'll show you how to write a refund request letter template that not only grabs attention but also persuades companies to act in your favor. Download Refund Request Form. A Petition for Tuition Refund form must be submitted during or immediately following the semester for the class(es) in question. Property owners must submit their claim no later than January 12, 2025, to the claims administrator to receive their refund. Recycling service refunds are now available through the City of Oakland to the owners of many multifamily rental properties in the city. To do this, refer to the exhibit in the document, assign it a letter or number, and then attach it with a label using that letter or number. Thank you for reaching out to us.