Here are some tips on how to write a great security deposit return letter, plus a free template you can download and customize for your own use. The Order Disbursing Funds directs the County Treasurer to release your refund to you.Here's everything you need to know about not returning security deposits, including a security deposit refund letter template. Learn the basics of how to write a security deposit letter to a tenant. At the end of this article there is a link to a "Request for Return of Security Deposit" form that the tenant may use. Sign up for e-refund (direct deposit) as the fastest refund method. In this article, we'll show you how to write a refund request letter template that not only grabs attention but also persuades companies to act in your favor. At the end of tenancy, all refundable deposits shall be refunded to the tenant pursuant to this section. You can request the return of your security deposit when you move out. Ask the clerk for the fee deferral forms, and fill them out and return them to the court.