Pass the subject area exam in the specific world language and add the subject to your certificate. Enjoy flexible scheduling, a tailored curriculum, and skilled teachers.Broward County Public Schools is committed to providing students with the knowledge and skills necessary to be successful in the 21st century workplace. We offer online 1-on-1 private tutoring and small Swahili classes for up to 6 students. Don't let a busy schedule prevent you from learning Swahili. A Rule Workshop for Rule 6M-8.204, Uniform Attendance Policy for Voluntary Prekindergarten (VPK) Education Program will be held via webinar. Positively Africa takes you on an ADVENTURE to Africa through music, dance and stories. This is an interactive, fun, lively and educational program. Dan Evans and Dr. Anna Brown help families interpret FAST results. The presentation is for families with students in grades 3-10.