In all cases, the business shall carry over to the next regularly scheduled meeting. Click on any of the tabs below to find answers to your most frequently asked questions.If you are unable to find the answer, please call our office. From keeping board meeting minutes to ensuring conversations remain on topic, here are some tips on how to host an annual shareholder meeting. AGMs are mandatory events for private and public companies and require a notice period of at least 21 days. On November 5, 1974, the voters of Broward County approved the Broward County Charter. United Way of Broward County fights for the Health, Education, and Financial Prosperity of EVERY person in our community. You must complete steps 1 through 3 when filling out the form before efiling. What Type of Materials Will I Need to Fill Out the Business Tax Application? The City of Lauderhill is a municipality in located in the southeastern portion of Florida in Broward County.