AGMs are mandatory events for private and public companies and require a notice period of at least 21 days. Shareholder meetings are a regulatory requirement, so both private and public companies must hold these meetings.We invite shareholders to submit questions in advance of the meeting. From keeping board meeting minutes to ensuring conversations remain on topic, here are some tips on how to host an annual shareholder meeting. Free Consultation - Call (408) 436-0789 - SAC Attorneys LLP is dedicated to providing our clients with legal services in Corporate and Business cases. The Meeting is a private meeting for shareholders. How to run a shareholder meeting, including topics to discuss, what to vote on, who must be present and when to hold the required annual meeting. Join us for this compelling meeting in Detroit, Mich. , with high-profile sessions, as well as many opportunities for networking and learning about the region. Business Management professional with 5 years experience in investment banking.