What you should include in Meeting Minutes? Sample of Meeting Minutes for a Federal Advisory Committee (FACA).I use the meeting agenda as a fill in the blank, take attendance, then use bullet points to keep shorthand notes of who said what. Chairman Hendricks called the August 26, 2014, meeting of the Board of Trustees of. This is a meeting minutes template I developed over time this is something that saves me a bunch of time it's super simple. Lab Assignments: You will complete 8 lab activities outside of class time for the lab portion of this class, and you will write a write-up of each activity. Front's CEO and co-founder Mathilde Collin shares why a founder's discipline matters more than vision, unveiling her own best practices and templates. Simply, they're notes of who attended the meeting, what they discussed, and which action items came out as a result. O Because the CPWAC is not officially identified in the Port Wallace Public. Regular monthly Board of Trustees meeting on August 26, 2014, in the Board Room,.