Tesla's Annual Shareholder Meeting will be held on Thursday, June 13, 2024, at PM Central Time. The voting process may vary depending on your broker.To learn how to cast your vote, please select your broker from the list below. We're going to cover the 12 items that stockholders have been asked to vote on as well as any other matters that have been properly presented. Tesla (TSLA) shareholders reapproved Elon Musk's recordbreaking pay pact and signed off on a new Texas incorporation in a show of support for the CEO. Tesla FSD (Supervised) V13.2. 1 is now rolling out. The hybrid meeting will be held both inperson and virtually on April 11, 2024 and will commence at am Eastern Time. The Company has received several indications from existing shareholders, including Fairfax, to participate in the Brokered Offering.