Learn all about meeting minuteswhat to include, and how to write them, with templates for writing the most effective minutes. 6) Complete: Complete (10) sentences in Spanish and English related to unit vocabulary and imperfect verbs.For the Modern Languages, the exam consists of writing an essay in the target language as a response to a question in English. This is a 30-minute exam. There are two tickets types available for purchase, Single-Ride or 10-Trip Pass. All transfers within the NYC Ferry system are free and valid for 120 minutes. I use the meeting agenda as a fill in the blank, take attendance, then use bullet points to keep shorthand notes of who said what. For the Modern Languages, the exam consists of writing an essay in the target language as a response to a question in English. This is a 30-minute exam. This is useful later when other people in the organization need to reference them.