To view any Board of Commissioners meeting in progress, click here. To go directly to the Board of Commissioners' minutes and agenda, click here.On weekdays from 7 am to 7 pm, the 5 Fulton runs between Downtown and 6th Ave. For service west of 6th Ave, use the 5R Fulton Rapid. Commissioner Board Meeting Minutes and Agendas. Fellow has gathered the ultimate tips and tricks to make writing meeting minutes not just easy but empowering. NYCHA residents, applicants, and Section 8 voucher holders can conveniently view their information and complete certain transactions online, anytime. NYCHA residents, applicants, and Section 8 voucher holders can conveniently view their information and complete certain transactions online, anytime. You must complete the online questionnaire. McKeever mentions 1 year to complete State Plan and does not want to rush last minute.