2023 Board Meeting Minutes, December 7, 2023 Work Session (Make-up), December 14, 2023 Regular Session, November 2023 Board Meeting Minutes. The meeting was held at L. P. Miles Elementary School, 4215 Bakers Ferry Rd. Atlanta, GA 30331.The Super High School, School Site Council met in regular session on. Tuesday, November 15, 2018, at p.m. The meeting notes box will appear after the eligibility has passed audit successfully. Meeting Notes is an optional field to add text providing information. Include the full names of the presiding officer (chair), governance members and recording secretary in attendance. Due to Covid19 our Annual meeting is both digital and distributed in paper form. Ms. Newell placed the Annual Meeting into all 255 Digital. Angela mentioned the need for a full inventory of the school and the challenges of completing it within the deadline.