This is an important notice regarding the availability of proxy materials for the shareholder meeting to be held on October 23, 2024. Individuals aged 17 and under will only be permitted to attend the annual meeting with adult supervision, and badges will not be issued to these individuals.Join Biocytogen at the Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting 2024 in Chicago from October 6th-9th. 53rd CNS Annual Meeting November 11-14, 2024 • San Diego, California Thank you for attending the 53rd Child Neurology Society Annual Meeting. This educational meeting is aimed primarily at clinicians who treat patients with diseases of the peripheral nervous system and muscle. Neuroscience 2024 Meeting. 23rd Annual King's Neuromuscular Disease Symposium. Description. Hari McGrath, Evan Collins, Kelly Pu, Omar Chishti and Drs. King, JL (2014) Visual Adaptation in Mouse Primary Visual Cortex. The Late-breaking Science program (formerly Emerging Science) highlights the most current research being done in the field of neurology.