Frequently Requested Forms, Civil Court Forms, Criminal Court Forms, Family Court Forms, Financial Forms, Probate Court Forms, Specialty Court Forms. Acta que se levanta con motivo de la realización de la Asamblea de (Asunto que la motiva) ______.Here you will find forms for every case type. Forms for filing a case, answering a summons, entering a plea, even asking for a continuance or for an appeal. The central repository of all brochures, forms and other information from all over our great site. Las signaturas de los documentos de las Naciones Unidas se componen de letras mayúsculas y cifras. Por tratarse de Primera Convocatoria, se les comunica que la Asamblea quedará legalmente instalada con la presencia de mitad más uno del total. If you have general questions, call City Hall at (520) 5689098 and ask for the Planning Division.