If the company has a form affidavit, ensure that details are accurate for the current year and enter the form in the minutes for the meeting. (bb) "Stockholder" means a person who is a record holder of shares of stock in a corporation and includes a member of a corporation organized without stock.In order to fill out our free corporate bylaws template, you'll need your: Name of Business. This article focuses on how to form a stock corporation in Maryland. A corporation is a business entity having legal authority to act as a single person. Minutes of Shareholders' Meetings record the decisions made during a shareholders' meeting. AGMs are mandatory for both public and private companies. All shareholders are legally obligated to receive an invitation to these meetings. In a distinction from Delaware law, Maryland corporate law requires that a corporation "provide a place for a meeting of the stockholders. 3 to 21 Parent Information Series, a collection of publications designed to support families in the statewide special education system of services in Maryland.