Minutes must accurately set forth the date, time, place of the meeting, and a list of the members present or absent. With respect to meeting notices, Special Commissions must file a meeting notice with the clerk of either the House or Senate.This is intended to be a guide for chairs of multiple-member bodies, and their associated members, responsible for posting meetings and filing minutes. The questions and answers set forth below will cover policies and protocol for taking and retaining condominium board meeting minutes. These solicitations offer to complete corporate meeting minutes on behalf of the corporation for a fee. In this video I'm going to quickly go over a few important minutes do's and don'ts for all you recording secretaries. In this article, we'll give you examples of meeting minutes so that you can see how to write meeting minutes for your own organization's meetings. This article will discuss policies and protocol for taking and retaining board meeting minutes. If executive session occurs, prepare separate executive session minutes. The only states that do not require meeting minutes are Delaware, Kansas, Nevada, North Dakota, and Oklahoma.