Minutes must accurately set forth the date, time, place of the meeting, and a list of the members present or absent. Public bodies must create and maintain accurate minutes of all meetings, including executive sessions.In this video I'm going to quickly go over a few important minutes do's and don'ts for all you recording secretaries. Meeting Minutes: Public bodies must produce written minutes in a timely manner for their meetings and submit them to the Town Clerk's Office. The questions and answers set forth below will cover policies and protocol for taking and retaining condominium board meeting minutes. These solicitations offer to complete corporate meeting minutes on behalf of the corporation for a fee. Meeting minutes are an essential aspect of governance and administration within Homeowners Associations (HOAs) in Massachusetts. Public Body: Create a typed meeting notice, save it as a PDF; the file's name should contain the name of the Public Body and the Date of the Meeting. For covered meetings, the Law lays out specific procedures that must be followed. What does the town clerk do?