It is suggested that in the minutes of the first official meeting of the council for each year, the full name of the councilmembers should be listed. The document contains excerpts from the minutes of two quarterly meetings of the Barangay Development Council of Barangay Artacho.Meeting Recap for Report-Out – The committee reviewed the topics discussed at the September 3 DWBC meeting including the changes to the. Meeting Recap for Report-Out – The committee reviewed the topics discussed at the September 3 DWBC meeting including the changes to the. If you are looking for an agenda or minutes from a specific meeting not listed below, please call the City Clerk's Office at 248.658.3310. Chapter 10 shows how to join other schools, districts, and states in the National Network of Partnership Schools at Johns Hopkins University to. The day and a location for holding barangay council meetings on some evenings. Shoemaking was once the people 's primary occupation. Part II. Resource Papers. 1. Role of Local Communities and Institutions in Integrated.