Professors Complete AI Training. Middlesex Water Company Annual Meeting.Middlesex Water Company held its Annual Meeting via virtual webcast on Tuesday, May 21, 2024. MSAC has a request for a tax appropriation appear on the town ballots of six towns: Berlin, Calais, East Montpelier, Middlesex, Moretown, and Worcester. Whether you're just starting out or an AI expert, this session provided valuable insights on successfully implementing AI in any organization. Complete the Google Form to register and fill out when it would be best to meet with a librarian. Middlesex College receives grant to empower and celebrate first-generation college students at all-day event. SCUP's annual conference connects higher education professionals from all across campus and the community to share integrated planning strategies. Unfortunately, due to a confluence of reasons, MSAC missed the opportunity to apply for funding from Berlin and Middlesex. As a PhD candidate in Marketing at Middlesex University, my research explores the intersections of AI, consumer psychology, and strategic decision-making.