The Annual Shareholders' Meeting is a privileged appointment where we share our latest results, strategy and growth forecasts. Welcome to the New York State Assembly website.The ASH annual meeting virtual platform is now open to all attendees. Watch sessions in real-time or catch up with on-demand access! In the first meeting since the 1989 NCAA Tournament, Bucknell upset the 17thranked Orange 7469 at the Carrier Dome on Nov. Our Annual Meeting of Shareholders is held in April or May. Free first shareholder meeting minutes template for the organizational meeting of your new corporation. Someone with voting stock has the right, but not the obligation, to vote on the company's board of directors or other business matters. In 1980, he became the first sitting U.S. President to address our union's Annual Delegates Meeting. Catholic Charities PJ location is in the process of moving to 150 Pike Street in PJ. Open.