HOAs will hold regular monthly and annual meetings that cover a wide range of topics such as financials, property, residential living, and much more. To file a complaint against an HOA in Pennsylvania, individuals should first follow the process outlined in the HOA's governing documents.During this meeting, the HOA board addresses various issues, presents the annual budget, and discusses upcoming major projects. It must note the time and date of the meeting. Members of condominium and planned communities have a statutory right to inspect, examine, and make copies of the association records. The HOA Annual Meeting is the event when the board members and homeowners of a HOA gather to discuss the most important things that concern the community. What are HOA meetings? HOA board meetings help to keep an association protected, keep goals on track and ensure your organization runs smoothly. Association records, such as meeting minutes and financial reports, must be maintained diligently and made accessible to homeowners. Develop and submit complete and accurate annual budget(s), meeting all deadlines.