Conducting a successful annual meeting requires knowledge of the association's documents, planning, organization, preparation and execution of the plan. In 2024, new laws were enacted affecting HOAs.HB-2067, for example, mandates the automatic removal of board members who fail to hold special recall meetings. All homeowners are entitled to get access to any nonconfidential association record within 10 business days of a written request for those records. The annual meeting is where the board positions are filled. In today's class we're going to be discussing everything you need to know about how to run legal and effective board meetings and your annual meeting. I'd say that reasoning can go along with an Internet feed. As long as the meeting is in a place where everyone can attend, I'd say video attendance would be OK. The notice should include the date and time of the meeting and instructions on options to attend via videoconferencing or conference call. All homeowners associations must host a meeting once a year within the state.