Our team of expert minute takers and editors saves you time and improves the effectiveness of your meetings. San Diego Corporate Law: What Should be in Your Corporate Minute Book?To view documents for past meetings, find the meeting date and click on the links below the calendar. Only published agendas will appear. Statements of Information, Common Interest Development Statements and Publicly Traded Disclosure Statements can be filed online at bizfileOnline.sos.ca.gov. Corporate minutes are used to record actual happenings during directors' or shareholders' meetings, such as decisions on tax, legal, and financial matters. Meeting minutes can be written in many ways, and there are several formats that can be used when preparing meeting minutes. Follow our step-by-step guide. The board president can fill the secretary in on any expected meeting minutes formats they should use. You should understand these terms as you will probably have to use them in the official meeting minutes document.