If the founders have not purchased an official corporate seal, delete the foregoing. There is usually no specific state requirements for how to conduct these meetings.Is there a filing required under Texas or federal securities laws? Can one person be the sole shareholder, director, and officer of a corporation? This guide will help you file formation documents, get tax identification numbers, and set up your company records. Yes. Certificates of formation can be filed online through SOSDirect 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. An annual meeting of the shareholders of a corporation shall be held at a time that is stated in or set in accordance with the corporation's bylaws. Yes, state law allows for all property types, including "noncondominium" properties, to conduct virtual annual meetings. That makes most of its political expenditures outside of Texas may be an out-of- state PAC. A political committee must determine if it is an out-of-state PAC.