Please indicate below how you would like your proxy to vote on your behalf on the resolutions. The annual meeting will be held in a virtual meeting format only.Streamline the process with our convenient Shareholders Meeting RSVP Form. Do not continue filling out form if Defendant to retain own attorney. We have heard you, and now we formally ask that you speak in a meaningful way: and vote in favor of taking Tesla to our business home of Texas. There are eight (8) proposals to be voted on at this annual meeting, each of which is described in the company's proxy statement. Do not continue filling out form if Defendant to retain own attorney. Shareholders also approve shares values, appoint directors and officers if needed, and wrap up other initial tasks. As points north and east dug out of snow and ice Tuesday, communities in Texas, Oklahoma and Arkansas were preparing. LCRA compiles water use information for the lower Colorado River basin in the annual Water Use Summary.