Please indicate below how you would like your proxy to vote on your behalf on the resolutions. This article is a playbook for CEOs on what rituals, meetings, and processes to introduce at each stage of a high-growth tech company's journey.Travis Perkins plc (the "Company") Statement regarding shareholder consultation following voting at the 2024 Annual General Meeting ("AGM") Being a leader is mostly about setting the right example and acting in a way that doesn't have a negative impact on other people. Holders of common stock are entitled to participate in the company's stockholder meetings and vote for the board of directors. Travis Society Meeting Minutes At Orchard Park Country Club. There are eight (8) proposals to be voted on at this annual meeting, each of which is described in the company's proxy statement. 94 votes, 90 comments. 3.3M subscribers in the teslamotors community. With Your Vote in the 2024 Annual Meeting, Tesla Will. Thrive.