The 8th Annual Inova National Neuroscience Review Conference will provide health care providers with leading-edge medical and surgical information. We are thrilled to extend a warm welcome to all attendees joining us for the.2024 Annual Meeting of the Association of University Professors of Neurology. This course has been curated for nurses who care for the neuroscience patient. It is a monthly newsletter designed to update CNS members on events, job opportunities, and related information in the field of Cognitive Neuroscience. A corporation shall hold a meeting of shareholders annually at a time stated in or fixed in accordance with the bylaws. The Professional Development Committee (PDC) supports and enhances the professional development of neuroscientists at all stages of their careers. The ASN 2022 Digital Program Is Now Available. Click on Program Book to check out the details of our upcoming 52nd Annual ASN Meeting! You'll have the option of completing a brain and behavior-focused internship in either Biology (BIO 400) or Psychology (PSY 400).