Action items: List any tasks that have been assigned or agreed upon, along with the details of the assignees and deadlines. As highlighted earlier, call out action items separately under the relevant agenda item.Format these clearly with owners and due dates. Summarize the key points from each item on the meeting agenda, including what was discussed and any outcomes that were mentioned. An action item is a specific task with a clear objective, deadline, and assignee. It's usually to help progress a project forward or meet a business objective. Read tips and strategies for writing minutes for a meeting to ensure you have an effective and productive board meeting. 3- Extract action items separately. Get the 2 meeting notes templates that covers almost all types of meetings—and learn about how an app can remove the need to take meeting notes altogether. Step 4: Have the notetaker take down the names of the participants, agenda times, action items and due dates, and the main points from the meeting.