The arbitration system in Allegheny County provides for simple and concise pleadings and a trial of the issues enabling the parties to resolve claims. The arbitration of claims can take several different forms in Pennsylvania, but can be generally categorized as either compulsory judicial arbitration.In the event a grievance cannot be resolved, some labor contracts allow for arbitration to settle the grievance. 1. Complete the attached Arbitrator Application form. 2. Complete a W-9 form found in the Arbitration forms section on the Civil. Agreement to submit to Common Law Arbitration. Many employers ask employees to sign arbitration agreements, in which they give up their right to sue in court over jobrelated issues. STABILIZATION AGREEMENT ("the LSA Amendment"). 3. Submit a letter from the American Arbitration Association ("AAA") stating that the. Pleas of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania except that the arbitration of a claim or.